John G. Jung
Chairman & Co-Founder, Intelligent Community Forum (ICF)
John is a professional, award-winning urban planner, urban designer, economic developer, author, visiting professor and global speaker on planning, development, urban design and economic development related issues, especially related to Smart Cities and Intelligent Communities. John is a pioneer in the Smart City movement, having worked in it since the early 1980’s. John is the former President and CEO of several of Canada’s largest economic development organizations in Greater Toronto, Calgary and Waterloo Region; a former senior urban planner, urban designer and developer in many cities in Canada and abroad, including leading the planning and development of Toronto’s waterfront area for many years; marketing the GTA to the world; and as an advisor on urban development and economic development to global leaders around the world for over the past three decades.
John was involved with the Smart Cities Challenge in Canada and its related Support Program, Future Cities Canada and the Community Solutions Network. He is also an advisor to ICF’s Institutes globally and their related national organizations. In addition, he is leading a major international program on creating a new Smart City in Asia.
John has extensively written on topics related to planning, economic development and international Smart Cities for Canadian and global publications such as MyLiveableCity and Public Sector Digest. He is an author and co-author of reports, books and articles widely read on these topics, including Brain Gain and a new book coming out soon called Innovative Solutions for Creating Sustainable Cities (Cambridge Scholars, UK). John’s extensive global exposure leading significant initiatives and evaluating cities globally on behalf of ICF and his own consulting firm, S2I, have helped to raise awareness of the Smart City and Intelligent Community movement and helped communities around the world to become better, more livable cities for their citizens.
Urban Planning
Smart Cities
DESN 4010 Major Project: Preparation
DESN 4021 Major Project Development