Susan Speigel
Architect OAA, FRAIC, TSA, B.A, B.Arch (EQ.M.Arch)
Susan Speigel is an Architect practicing in Toronto for over 30 years. She has created Susan Speigel Architect Inc. (SSA Studio), a design studio rooted in community building and innovative thinking to push forward actionable projects. Susan currently is the OAA Senior VP & Treasurer (Ontario Association of Architects), and was part of the Core faculty at George Brown College (GBC) School of Design at the Institute without Boundaries (IwB) for 10 years. Susan’s practice is a Change Agent in the current wave of new practices which blend Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urbanism, Social Activism, System Design, Community Based Design, Environmental Ecology, Design Research, Teaching and Writing. Her work crosses many disciplines to what she calls ‘Social Architecture in the Public Realm’.
DESN 4005 Design Project: Environment
“At the Institute we see the designer as a problem solver with the ability to effect positive change for humanity. We are a place where students, teachers, industry and community can come together not only as creators and designers, but as ambassadors of hope.”
– Luigi Ferrara, Director, Institute without Boundaries