The IDS students are gearing up for PUSH!
The Interdisciplinary Design Strategy (IDS) program invites you to participate in PUSH, an exhibition for PULL, the Year End Show 2017 for the Centre for Arts, Design and Information Technology at George Brown College.
The IDS students exhibition will ‘push’ forward and pilot the development of 3 exciting projects for Symbiotic Regions, a major IDS initiative in partnership with Waterfront Toronto.
PUSH is a sneak peak at the exhibit the IDS students are planning in May 2017, when they will showcase a full-year of research insights and design work on the Symbiotic Regions Project. During PUSH you will be able to participate in three projects that the class is designing for Toronto’s waterfront, and share your thoughts, feelings, and opinions on their topics.
Your input will help PUSH the students’ projects forward towards designing meaningful interventions on Toronto’s waterfront!
About the Symbiotic Regions Project
How can a waterfront move beyond the edge of a city and into an entire region? What if that waterfront was a facilitator for all the living connections that make up a region? And how can we build our own living connections into our process to design an integrated strategy to make this happen?
These were some of the questions that the IDS students have been asking throughout their partnership with Waterfront Toronto, the organization with the extraordinary task of redeveloping and revitalizing Toronto’s waterfront. In 2016-17 the IDS students were tasked with helping their project partner discover new ways to connect the waterfront with the people living in the Greater Golden Horseshoe region.
The IDS students are now in the final phases of the project and are working on synthesizing their research and designs into a book, exhibitions, and web platform.
Stay tuned for details about the IDS May 2017 Exhibit, website and book publication on Symbiotic Regions!
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
School of Design, George Brown College
230 Richmond St. E., Room 140
PUSH is held as part of and in tandem with PULL, the Year End Show for the whole of the Centre for Arts, Design and Information Technology. More info on PULL can be found here.
Contact us if you have any questions or comments about the exhibit at design@georgebrown.ca